Volturi Fics!
Bella fails to save Edward and is taken in by the Volturi. Aro finds her interesting, but Caius can't stand the power a human has over him.
Rated: M -
Status: WIP
Pairing: Caius & Bella
Reviews: 446
@Lunar_Eclipse1 I guess you can say that I like how he seems to hate her yet he seems drawn to her at the same time. Even though he thinks she pathetic at first he finds himself sneaking to see her.
Status: Complete
Pairing: Bella&Alex
Words: 21,551
Reviews: 255
Edward has kept a secret, which Rose can't keep anymore. Bella runs off to Italy. Will she find love again or will she go back to Edward? Begins right before the wedding.
Rated: M
Pairing : Bella&Demetri
Statys: Complete
Words: 30,041
Reviews: 524
Yesh, we need more Volturi Fics out there. Thanks for Rec'n some =)