Tuesday, 27 July 2010


Hello our dear readers,

Miss-Beckie-Louise here, just to let you all know, we're going on hiatus for a while, to try and get the blog sorted out.

I don't know when we'll be back, but hopefully, it shouldn't be too long. If you have any suggestions on how to improve our blog please either email me at: becky.treble@gmail.com

or the blog at: fortheloveofnoncanon@gmail.com

If you'd like to be a member of staff, feel free to email me or by filling in the form at the top of the page!

Thanks again for all your support and I'll leave another post once we have a date for when we're coming back.

The first week back will be Garrett week seeing as no one but KC posted last week!

Have a great summer!

Beckie, and the For the Love of Non-Canon staff

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